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Outlook Calendar

Use our Outlook Calendar integration to attach useful events related to your incident, like a debrief meeting.

Charlie Kingston avatar
Written by Charlie Kingston
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Sometimes, you need to schedule meetings related to your incident. Perhaps a war room for everyone to sync their findings whilst an incident is ongoing, or a debrief about what happened once the incident is resolved.

Our Outlook integration lets you attach events to an incident, and pulls through relevant information about when it is and who is attending.


It's important to know that when the integration is installed, the connection to will belong to the user that installed it. Outlook connections like this, which use OAuth, belong to a specific user β€” for this reason, you must set up a dedicated service or "bot" account.

Go to Settings β†’ Integrations, find "Outlook Calendar" and click "Install".

Click "Install" and you'll be redirected to the Microsoft installation flow. Review the permissions we're requesting and click "Accept":

Once you've completed the Microsoft authentication flow, you'll be redirected back to

Scheduling a debrief

In one-click, we can build an Outlook event which has been pre-filled with the incident participants and other useful information - you just need to fill in the rest.

Once your incident has been resolved, you'll notice a new option to 'Schedule a debrief' from the sidebar:

This will take you to a pre-populated Outlook event. You just need to choose a time and hit save:

Linking an event from Outlook to an incident

In addition to scheduling a debrief for you, we can also link events created in Outlook to your incidents. You just need to create an event in Outlook which:

  1. Has the incident identifier (e.g. INC-123) in the title or description

  2. Invites the connected user

When this happens, we'll automatically attach the event to your incident and message the relevant incident channel:

If you identify the incident as a debrief meeting (i.e. a catch-up after the incident has been resolved), we'll additionally let the channel know when it's happening and who's invited:

Note that if you include the word "debrief" in the event (or whatever you're preferred name for this term is, according to your debrief settings), we'll automatically attach the event as a debrief without prompting you first.

Removing a linked event

If we automatically attach a debrief which should not be linked to your incident, you can unlink it by heading to the sidebar on the incident details page, clicking the debrief, and then clicking "..." > "Unlink debrief":

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