Custom dashboards

Use custom dashboards within Insights to see the most relevant Insights Engineering Team avatar
Written by Engineering Team
Updated over a week ago

You can create custom dashboards within Insights to have charts and filters that are most relevant to you.

Click "Add chart" to select from available charts. And click "Edit" to enable drag and dropping of charts. Changes to charts are automatically saved as they are made.

βš™οΈ Filters

Filters can be applied to custom dashboards just as they can be for our core dashboards. For example, this allows you to filter to only your team/area, or only the most severe incidents.

πŸ”’ Visibility

By default, newly created custom dashboards are only visible to you.

You can share them more widely with others in your organisation, by updating the visibility in the dropdown in the top-right. The custom dashboard will then appear in the custom dashboards lists for all users in your organisation.

🏷️ Grouping and splitting

As custom dashboards are highly configurable, they can contain a wide variety of charts. For example, some charts can be split by custom fields, but for other charts, this wouldn't be logical. Therefore, all the possible grouping and splitting options are shown, even though they might not be relevant to all charts.

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