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Merging incidents

Two incidents relating to the same thing? Triage incidents can be merged into other active incidents to keep things tidy. Engineering Team avatar
Written by Engineering Team
Updated over a week ago

Triage incidents can be merged into other active incidents. Read up on how to use triage incidents if you've not come across these before.

How can I merge an incident?

In the incident channel, you'll see a message saying that the incident is in triage. If you select "Merge", you'll be asked which incident you would like to merge the incident into.

The message looks like this:

Screenshot showing accept, merge and decline buttons

You can also do this from our Dashboard, by selecting "Share update", and then choosing the "Merge" option.

What happens to merged incidents?

First, we update the incident to say it's been merged:

We then move across all attachments from the old incident to the new one, and then post a message into the new incident to say it has had another incident merged into it.

The old incident will no longer appear in insights, and other incident statistics.

Can I merge active incidents?

It is currently not possible an active incident into another active incident.

Do severities or custom fields get moved across?

Currently, we don't do anything with properties of the old incident (e.g. severities, custom fields) — the new incident will retain all of its existing properties.

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