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List of shortcuts to run your incidents quicker

Chris Evans avatar
Written by Chris Evans
Updated over 5 months ago

There are quite a few handy shortcuts in

πŸ§™πŸ»β€β™‚οΈThe One Command to Rule Them All

If you have to learn just one command, it's /inc while in an incident's #inc-... Slack channel - it will pop up a menu of all the actions you can run on that incident 😍

πŸ’‘ /inc in any other channel will pop up the incident creation form

⚑️ Other super-commands


From an incident's #inc-... Slack channel, you can react to messages with:

πŸ’₯ :boom:

Turns the message into an Action

⏩ :fast_forward:

Turns the message into a Follow-up

πŸ“Œ :pushpin:
πŸ”– :bookmark:
πŸ“ :round_pushpin:
🌟 :star:

Pins the message to the incident's timeline

πŸ“£ :mega:
πŸ’¬ :speech_balloon:

Turns the message into an Update

Slack Commands


/incident help

See information on how to get help




Create an incident

/inc retro

Routes you to the dashboards to create a retrospective incident

/incident lead

Make someone the incident lead

πŸ’‘ /incident lead [me|@user] to auto-fill the lead

/incident resolve

Mark a live incident as resolved. Once you've done this, you can choose to close the incident or enter the post-incident flow.

/incident cancel

Mark the incident as canceled. Use this if you've realised that the incident is not actually a problem.

/incident severity

/incident sev

Upgrade and downgrade severities

πŸ’‘/incident {severity|sev} [level] to auto-fill the severity

/incident roles

/incident role

View, assign and unassign roles during the incident

/incident field

/incident fields

/incident customfield

/incident customfields

Manage custom fields for this incident

/incident summary

Update the top level summary of the incident

πŸ’‘/incident summary [description] to auto-fill the summary

/incident overview

See a summary of the incident's history so far

/incident action

/incident actions

Create and manage Actions

πŸ’‘/incident {action|actions} [description] to auto-fill an action's title

/incident followup

/incident followups

/incident follow-up

/incident follow-ups

Create an incident follow-up item.

/incident rename

Change the title of the incident

πŸ’‘/incident rename [name] to auto-fill

/incident status

/incident state

Update the incident status

πŸ’‘/incident {status|state} [level] to auto-fill the status

/incident accept

When an incident is in triage, it'll open the 'accept incident' modal

/incident merge

When an incident is in triage, it'll open a modal to help you merge the incident into another one

/incident decline

When an incident is in triage, it'll open a modal to let you decline the incident and provide an update

/incident related

Link a related incident

/inc private

Find out how to make the incident private.

/inc handover

Hand over responsibilities in an incident to another user.

/inc decision

Browse/Trigger decision flows

/inc pause

Temporarily pause an ongoing incident

/inc stream

Create a stream under the current active incident


/incident update

Provide an internal status update to your team about the incident

πŸ’‘/incident {update} [message] to auto-fill the update message

/incident request

/incident request-update

Request an internal status update from the incident lead

/incident statuspage

/incident sp

Create and update your public Statuspage

/incident escalate

/incident page

Pull in other teammates for help.

/incident page can be used outside of incidents!

/incident whoisoncall

/incident oncall

See who is currently on-call for a given team or escalation path

/incident coverme
​/incident cover
​/incident cover me

Request on-call cover for an upcoming shift

/incident call

Set a call link

πŸ’‘ /incident call [link] to auto-fill the link

/incident shoutout

Recognize your team for their work

/incident announce

Announce the incident in another channel


/incident doc

/incident document

View and set postmortem docs

πŸ’‘ /incident {doc|document} [link] to auto-fill the postmortem link

/incident links

Search for useful links in the incident history

/inc timestamp

View and update an incident's timestamp values

/inc attachments

Opens a modal showing all the attachments for this incident


Does support custom slack slash commands?

No, Slack does not allow applications to create custom slash commands as they require explicit approval and need to be consistent across all users of the application.

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