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Connecting Sentry to link Issues and Incidents Engineering Team avatar
Written by Engineering Team
Updated over a week ago

Use Sentry for error tracking, or performance monitoring? To keep everything organised, you can now link issues and incidents.

You can read Sentry’s documentation on our integration here.

What we can do with Sentry

  1. Link Sentry issues to incidents

    From a Sentry issue, just as you can link to Issue Trackers such as Jira, Linear and GitHub, you can also link to

  2. Attach Sentry Issues to incidents

    When a Sentry link is posted in an incident Slack channel, it’ll offer to attach it

  3. Keeping you up-to-date

    Activity on the Sentry Issue will be propagated to the incident Slack channel:


1️⃣ Go to Settings > Integrations

2️⃣ Press 'Connect' next to Sentry

3️⃣ Login to Sentry

4️⃣ Install

Review the permissions, then click “Accept & Install”

That's it! 🎉

If you run into any issues, get in touch 👋

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